NIST Selects Four Post-Quantum Encryption Standards

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) consistently strives to make efforts to improve the cybersecurity spaces for businesses around the United States. Recently, NIST announced the selection of four algorithms that will be developed as post-quantum encryption standards.


The Lead-Up

This announcement comes following the conclusion of a six-year competition. NIST is now calling on multiple institutions to investigate how to best apply the new standards.


Why This Is Important

Unfortunately, quantum computers bring with them the risk of malicious activities such as the eventual ability to break public-key encryption.  These activities could put government data at risk, generating the need for quantum computer-generated keys.


Although businesses do not use them in the supply chain at this time, quantum computers are considered ideal candidates for calculating complex processes and keys. As a result, there is a desire for the widespread implementation of these devices across the supply chain.


To solve this problem, NIST launched a competition in 2016 where researchers worldwide could submit algorithms to be considered the future standard. The four algorithms recently announced by NIST are the winners of the contest.


The Future

With new encryption standards in place, institutes can begin to upgrade to post-quantum cryptography. Additionally, there are four other algorithms under consideration. Any additional approved algorithms will be announced later by NIST.


By: Alex O’Reilly

